Generations Day 2023
On Friday, October 27, we welcomed over 300+ grandparents and special friends to Rashi. For all that could attend, we hope you enjoyed being part of our experience at The Rashi School through educational lessons and joining us in meaningful Shabbat blessings with your child(ren).

A special thanks to…
Event Co-Chairs – Dina and Sam Zoob P’29, Barbara and Rabbi Henry Zoob
Generations Day Parent Volunteers – Helene Gelber, Lindsay Jabbawy, Debbie Jacobs, Jessica Lasser, Maya Mindlin, Alison Moll, Jessica Myers, Jamie Perelman, Liat Rosen, Jeff Rosenspan, Steve Sheinkopf, Pam Sherman, Alyson Smith, Talia Valkin, Gail Williams, Amy Winston, and Matt Zisow
For those that attended, we invite you to complete this survey to provide feedback for future Generations Day events.
If you have any questions please contact the Development Team at 781-355-7312 or email