Who We Are
The Israel Kehillah Committee was formed in response to the attacks on Israel that took place on October 7, 2023, and consists of Rashi parents, board members, faculty and staff.
We are working together to provide one place where our community can learn about the best ways to help now and in the future.
Check back regularly for updates.

IKC Speaker Series Recordings
Click here to go to the Rashi Parent Portal and watch recordings of past speaker presentations.

Check back regularly for community event updates.
Where to Donate
Thankfully, there are numerous organizations doing important work to support Israel and Israelis at this time, more than we can list here. Like many others, we are choosing CJP, our local Federation, and their Emergency Israel Fund, as well as our partner school in Haifa, where we have a long term relationship and deep connection. If you have a preferred organization, we encourage you to donate to the one of your choosing.
List of Educational Resources
JF&CS Israel Resources (including mental health support, housing support, volunteer opportunities)