Alumni News
Rashi Alum Leads Shabbat with Award-Winning A Cappella Group
To kick off the season of giving thanks, The Rashi School held a joyous celebration on Friday, November 22, featuring Rashi alum Mayta Cohen (‘15) and her award-winning a cappella group BerKalit. Performing classic Jewish songs in the last Kabbalat Shabbat before the...
Alumni Spotlight: Masha Dumanis ’02, P’30
What have you been up to since graduating Rashi? I went on to graduate from The Rivers School for high school, and earned my Bachelors in Human Evolutionary Biology from Harvard University. Uniquely for a “millennial”, I have actually spent my entire career...
Faculty Spotlight: Debbie Alper, Grade 4 Lead Teacher
In your 12 years of working here, what are some things that are new at Rashi and what are some things that are the same? I have been teaching at Rashi for 12 years; ten years in Grade 2 and currently in year two teaching Grade 4. It was my daughter Amelia that...
Faculty Spotlight: Grade 3 Lead Teacher Jean Ricker
In your 14 years of working here, what are some things that are new at Rashi and what are some things that are the same? It is difficult for me to believe that I have just begun my fourteenth year at Rashi! I feel so lucky that my path in education led me to The Rashi...
Alumni Spotlight: Brett Gershkowitz ’08
What have you been up to since graduating Rashi? Since graduating Rashi, I have continued to be involved in Jewish life in the greater Boston area (and beyond). I volunteered at Gateways: Access to Jewish...
Alumni Spotlight: Ali Janower ’18
What have you been up to since graduating Rashi? I attended Noble and Greenough School for high school and adored it. I loved applying what I learned from Mike Finke at Rashi about building elaborate sets in technical theater, running cross country, participating in a...
Alumni Spotlight – Alyssa Gondelman Class of 2022
What have you been up to since graduating Rashi? Since graduation I have started to attend Needham High. I have come back to Rashi to volunteer in the Drama program, where I have helped produce the play “A Wrinkle in Time”. What was your favorite class at...
Alumni Spotlight – Leah Koritz ‘18
What have you been up to since graduating Rashi? After graduating from Rashi, I attended Gann Academy. I just graduated in June. Currently, I’m in Massachusetts recovering from a concussion. As soon as my head is better, I will be leaving for Israel, where I will be...
Faculty Spotlight – Keith Civin, Middle School Social Studies Teacher
In your 20 years of working here, what are some things that are new and what are some things that are the same? I guess I will start my answer to this question with thinking about things that are the same, which believe it or not, are many. The first thing that has...