In your 15 years of working here, what are some things that are new at Rashi and what are some things that are the same?
I began teaching at Rashi 27 years ago and have had the privilege of watching our school grow and flourish. Since that time, Rashi has added both a middle school and a Pre-K. Our student body has also doubled in size. What I find most amazing is that through all this change, what I love most about Rashi, our core values, have remained the same. As educators, we weave these values and commitment to social justice into all that we do. These have been part of who we are since Rashi was founded and is the essence of what makes a Rashi education unique.
Over the years, we as a school have thought deeply about the best ways to infuse a love of Judaism and a commitment to social justice into the lives of our students and families all while providing the most enriching education possible. One of the ways that we are doing this is through the innovation of the Kol-lab space.
When you think of Rashi Alumni, what words or thoughts come to mind?
I am blessed to have adults who are Rashi Alumni in the center of my life. I have watched my past students become Rashi parents. My close friends’ adult children, and my own children are all Rashi Alumni. Having a front row seat into what Rashi adults look like, brings me joy and hope. The common thread that links them all is their strong sense of who they are, and their ability to advocate for themselves and others in the outside world. They have all maintained a passion for justice and a lifelong connection to each other and their Judaism. For me as a Rashi teacher and parent, I feel grateful for what Rashi has given my children and for my ability to be part of this important community.
What are some of your favorite things about being a Grade 2 Teacher at Rashi?
I often say that second graders are my favorite people. They are at a developmental stage where awe, curiosity, innocence and emerging independence are all coming together. They ask deep questions and tell silly stories. They come to school with smiles on their faces. They bring me so much joy.