These Moments Made This Family Learning Program So Beautiful

by | May 16, 2019 | Our Stories

As a parent of a student at The Rashi School, you will be invited to learn along with your children throughout the year. In the springtime, Rashi’s Kindergarteners spend a morning with their parents learning about a prayer central to Jewish liturgy: the Shema. Following this year’s program, Rashi’s Social Justice Coordinator Stephanie Rotsky reflected on the moments that made this family education program so beautiful.

The Kindergarten parents truly participating in singing with their children during tefila.

The students’ engagement singing the tefilot.

What a beautiful round of Mah Tovu, and what exquisite singing of Elohai Neshama. This Pretty Planet feels like it has become a sacred anthem.

The students sharing their morning blessings.

During our morning prayer, students share the things they want to bless because they’re thankful for them. In today’s service, we heard quite a few blessings including: “I’m thankful for houses.” “My baby sister.” “For the sun.” “For the Jews in the Torah.” “My mommy and daddy.” “My baby brother.”

The kavod (respect) that parents showed their children.

I was brought to tears watching each family individually and collectively share the sacred moment as they practiced the hand motions to the Shema.

Watching Flora and Aar with their families carry the Torah with pride.

Seeing the smiles and enjoyment of the children creating their colorful mezuzot.

Seeing the efforts of the kindergarten students decorating their Bedtime Shema pillowcases and proudly writing their Hebrew names on them.

Assisting students at the Torah as students found the Shema to chant aloud.