Alumni Spotlight: Masha Dumanis ’02, P’30

by | Jan 11, 2024 | Alumni Class Notes, Community, Our Stories

What have you been up to since graduating Rashi?


I went on to graduate from The Rivers School for high school, and earned my Bachelors in Human Evolutionary Biology from Harvard University. Uniquely for a “millennial”, I have actually spent my entire career since graduating college with one employer. I started as an Analyst at Health Advances, a healthcare strategy consulting firm based in Weston (now Newton), MA in 2011. I am now a Vice President at the firm and focus on the Medical Device and Digital Health industry. In particular, I lead our Musculoskeletal and our Women’s Health practice areas.


I have had another little side gig since 2016 – I think they like to call it “parenting”. I am mom to Liora (7), a current Rashi second grader, and Ben (4). Despite what I thought – the late nights and demanding clients of consulting were nothing compared to raising kids. But they are so darn cute….

What was your favorite class at Rashi?

It is really hard to pick just one…but I was a huge fan of Tammy Tardie’s math classes in middle school. I also particularly loved our (I think 6th grade) unit when we built our own budgets, balanced check-books, and applied math to real life.


What is your favorite Rashi memory?


On September 11, 2001 we were eighth graders and as the towers came down that day and in the ensuing days – as America grappled with its biggest security threat in decades, our inaugural trip to Israel had to be canceled. But our budding relationship with the students of Leo Baeck would continue to bloom as the Israeli students came to visit us instead. A poignant moment for me was standing at Ground Zero with my classmates and the Israelis in May 2002 – some of the rubble still not cleared. Our fearless leader, Rabbi Ron, took off his beloved Brooklyn Dodgers cap, and hung it on a post as part of the living memorial.


This moment brought together so many of Rashi’s core values – kavod, kehillah, tzedek – and our life long connection to Israel.

What is something you have learned at Rashi that has stayed with you since graduating?


The concept of Tikkun Olam has left a lasting mark on me and is a core tenet of who I am and how I raise my family. The concept of social justice led me to picking an employer that focused on giving back through various initiatives, and also inspired my family to tackle grass-roots humanitarian aid work through the early stages of the Ukraine war.


What was your favorite activity at Rashi?


As you will see from some of my photos – some of my most cherished moments at Rashi were on the stage. I loved Rashi’s middle school drama electives and especially our musicals (a highlight was being cast as Mabel in Pirates of Penzance as an 8th grader). I miss the soul-filled all-school Chanukah concert, the Zimriyah – where the spirited voices of all the children would fill the auditorium. Even weekly minyans filled my cup.


In fact, I love dropping in on Kabbalat Shabbat (KabShab as it is affectionately known among the parents) and hearing the beautiful traditions continue.


What are you reading/watching/listening to these days?


My husband and I recently finished watching all the seasons of Suits – very mainstream, I know, but it was great. We are now watching a French crime thriller on Netflix called Lupin.