Faculty Spotlight: Jessica Solomon, Grade 5 Teacher

In your 17 years of working here, what are some things that are new at

Alumni Spotlight: Ali Janower ’18

What have you been up to since graduating Rashi? I attended Noble and Greenough School

Reconnecting With Haifa Friends

Our eighth graders continue to have an incredible time in Israel! They kicked off their

Grade 8 Israel Adventures!

After an uneventful 11 hour plane ride and breezy time through customs, Rashi’s Grade 8

Kindergarten Math: Patterns, Shapes & Groups

Math at Rashi is about more than finding the answer to a problem—it’s about making

Rashi Girls Take the Championship

This past Sunday (3/5), Rashi’s boys and girls Middle School basketball teams finished their seasons

Closing out Tamchui 2022-23: Thank You!

Tamchui 2022-23 came to a heartfelt and celebratory close this week with a school-wide assembly.

The Chips Are In: Tamchui Donation Week

Week 3 of Rashi’s Tamchui (Aramaic for “community collection pot”) project began with great enthusiasm

Grade 3 STEAM Fair Returns to Dedham Town Hall

After months of research, experiments, and prototyping, Rashi’s Grade 3 arrived at Dedham Town Hall

Rashi Welcomes Nonprofit Representatives

Following a successful Education Week, Rashi welcomed representatives from this year’s nonprofits for the next

The Launch of Tamchui Education Week

          Monday, January 23 marked the start of Tamchui 2022-23’s education

Faculty Spotlight – Heidi Klopfer, Grade 2 Teacher

In your 15 years of working here, what are some things that are new at
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